News Update

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2024 has been archived in IEEE Xplore.

Assoc. Prof. Pavel Loskot of Zhejiang University, China confirms to deliver an invited speech.

The call for paper of ICACTE 2025 is available!

The 18th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2025) will be held in Nanjing, China during August 20-22, 2025.

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Ruibin Zhao and Assoc. Prof. Gang Nie to join in the technical committee.

In order to collect more excellent work for conference communication, the submission deadline extends to August 10, 2024.

Welcome Prof. Zhigeng Pan, Dean of School of AI, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China to deliver a keynote speech.

In order to collect more excellent work for conference communication, the submission deadline extends to July 20, 2024.

Prof. Feilu Wang of Anhui Jianzhu University, China confirms to deliver an invited speech.

To slightly give more room to our potential participants, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to June 10, 2024.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2023 has been indexed by Ei Compendex.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2023 has been indexed by Scopus.

Prof. Qing Li (IEEE Fellow) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China confirms to deliver keynote speech.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2023 has been archived in IEEE Xplore.

The 17th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2024) will be held in Hefei, Anhui, China during September 13-15, 2024.

Welcome Prof. Runmei Zhang and Assoc. Prof. Jiangzhong Li to join in the technical committee.

Prof. Vincenzo Piuri (IEEE Fellow) of University of Milan, Italy confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Prof. Jie Lu (IEEE Fellow), University of Technology Sydney, Australia confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Jiujiu Yu and Prof. Li Feng to join in the technical committee

Assoc. Prof. Alan Jović of University of Zagreb, Croatia confirms to deliver invited speech.

The 16th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2023) will be held in Hefei, Anhui, China during September 15-17, 2023.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2022 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2022 has been archived in IEEE Xplore.

Welcome Prof. Ngai Cheong and Asst. Prof. Ayman Aljarbouh to join in the technical committee.

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Hong Zhang, Assoc. Prof. Bei Yang, Assoc. Prof. Yongqing Zhang, etc. to join in the technical committee.

Prof. Zhi Li of Guangxi Normal University, China confirms to deliver invited speech.

Prof. Ivor W Tsang (IEEE Fellow) of A*STAR, Singapore confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou of Nanjing University, China confirms to deliver keynote speech.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2021 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

Prof. Donghui Shi of Anhui Jianzhu University, China confirms to deliver invited speech.

Welcome Prof. Ya Wang, Assoc. Prof. Wenzhu Wang, Assoc. Prof. Yongtian Wang, etc. to join in the technical committee.

The conference proceedings of ICACTE 2021 has been archieved in IEEE Xplore.

Prof. Jie Yu and Assoc. Prof. Liming Chen confirm to deliver invited speeches.

ICACTE 2022 has been listed in IEEE Conference Calendar.

Welcome Prof. Wael Abd El-Kader Awad of Damietta University, Egypt to join in the conference committee.

The 15th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2022) will be held at Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China during September 23-25, 2022.
Previous News

Welcome Prof. Chen Zhili, Prof. Jia Zhaohong, Prof. Ahmed Farouk, etc. to join in the technical committee.

Assoc. Prof. Pornsiri Muenchaisri of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand confirms to deliver invited speech.

Welcome Prof. Manolis Vavalis of University of Thessaly, Greece to join in the conference committee.

Prof. Zhongfei Zhang (IEEE Fellow) of State University of New York at Binghamton, USA confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Yun Tie of Zhengzhou University, China to join in the conference committee.

Prof. Wael Abd El-Kader Awad and Assoc. Prof. Abu Barkat Ullah confirm to deliver invited speeches.

Assoc. Prof. Jarot S. Suroso of Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia confirms to deliver invited speech.

Prof. Yew-Soon Ong (IEEE Fellow) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Ivor W Tsang from University of Technology Sydney, Australia to join in the conference committee.

ICACTE 2021 will be held at Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China during September 17-19, 2021.

The proceedings of ICACTE 2020 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

The proceedings of ICACTE 2020 has been published online.

Due to COVID-19, one of our keynote speaker, Prof. James Tin-Yau Kwok cannot attend conference. One new keynote speaker: Prof. Lei Xu (IEEE Fellow), from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China confirms to deliver keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Kun-Ming Yu, Prof. Kai-Wei Ke, Prof. Sifeng Zhu, Prof. Malka N. Halgamuge, etc. join in technical committee.

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Abu Barkat Ullah of University of Canberra, Australia join in the technical committee.

Prof. Huan Liu (IEEE & ACM Fellow) of Arizona State University, USA confirms to deliver the keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Xiaolin Qin and Prof. Jianhua Dai join in the conference committee.

Prof. Dapeng Wu (IEEE Fellow) of University of Florida, USA confirms to deliver the keynote speech.

Welcome Prof. Jianjun Li of Hangzhou Dianzi University, China join in the conference committee.

Prof. James T. Kwok of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong joins in the conference committee.

ICACTE 2020 will be held in Hangzhou, China during September 18-20, 2020.

Media An1mage has published the ICACTE 2019 press release online. You could visit
8 December, 2018
ICACTE 2019 will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia during September 18–20, 2019!
5 October, 2018
Congratulations! Konstantin Herud (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany) and Nikolai Steur (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany) won the best presentation awards.
5 October, 2018
ICACTE 2018 has been successfully held in Hanoi, Vietnam during September 28–30, 2018!
12 June, 2018
Prof. Jianjun Li has confirmed to deliver a speech at the conference.
20 April, 2018
The conference venue has confirmed at Silk Path Hotel Hanoi.
2 January, 2018
Prof. Sergei Gorlatch and Prof. Phuoc Vinh Tran have confirmed to deliver speeches at the conference.
12 December, 2017
ICACTE 2018 will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam during September 28–30, 2018.
18 August, 2017
Congratulations! Yi-Pin Du won the best presentation award.
18 August, 2017
ICACTE 2017 has been successfully held in Jeju Island, South Korea during August 10-13, 2017!
10 June, 2017
Welcome Prof. Jinyoung Choi, Dr. Wen Zhang, Prof. Lun-Ping Hung to join in the conference technical committee.
23 January, 2017
Prof. LING Tok Wang from National University of Singapore, Singapore will deliver a Keynote Speech.
15 January, 2017
Prof. Hajime Mochizuki from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan has confirmed his Plenary Speech.
10 January, 2017
Prof. Chin-Chen Chang from Feng Chia University, Taiwan will deliver a Keynote Speech.
22 September, 2016
ICACTE 2017 will be held on August 10-13, 2017 in Jeju Island, South Korea.
25 August, 2016
Congratulations! Paper "Eye-tracking Aided Digital Training System for Strabismus Therapy" and "Straightforward Expansion of word2vec by Formulaic Sequences in CCTV corpus" have won the best presentation award in ICACTE 2016.
25 August, 2016
ICACTE 2016 was successfully held in Hong Kong. The conference group photo can be download now.